Human capital is one of the most valuable assets in an organization. Yet if you aren’t putting yourself in front of the right individuals, you are missing a valuable opportunity to enhance your business success. At the foundational level, this starts with networking.
Networking is key to obtaining unique board seats that take advantage of your specialized industry and functional skills. With my background and expertise in connecting professionals with organizations that can benefit from their talents, we can support one another’s board goals.
Throughout the summer, I’ll be conducting a 25-city diversity tour, meeting individuals like you for coffee and connections. If you’re not in town when I’m visiting, feel free to email or call me to find a time to chat. I look forward to meeting you one-on-one and building a win-win relationship moving forward.
Princeton, NJ 3rd week of May
Philadelphia, PA 3rd week of May
Raleigh, NC 4th week of May
Boston, MA 1st week of June
Chicago, IL 1st week of June
New York City 2nd week of June
Dallas, TX 3rd week of June
San Francisco 4th week of June
Albuquerque, NM 2nd week of July
New York City 3rd week of July
Dallas, TX 3rd week of July
Atlanta, GA 4th week of July